Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Giving Thanks, Day 23: My husband

Every single day I give thanks to God for my husband. Greg is the kindest person I know. He has enormous amounts of patience and grace -- he never points out my faults, though I have many.

Greg, today I say to you that I don't know what I'd do without you by my side. You have always thought of me and the girls above yourself. You serve us with quiet, gentle strength. You stand by your convictions. I thank God that He has called you to serve Him, and that you obey Him wholeheartedly.

I love your quirky sense of humor, your willingness to be spontaneous and adventurous, your desire to do your best.  I love that family is your top priority, and I love that you protect "date night" each week on the calendar. I love that we can be equally as happy whether doing something grand and exciting, or just sitting on the patio drinking a cup of coffee together. I love you.


  1. I loved that you guys did date night even when we were at PILAT. So good for you guys and for your girls to see
